BIM: The Importance of Communication

Master thesis by Maria Herroros, December 2016

Winner of Innovation Competition “Sprirekassen” by Bikubenfonden, Feb. 2017.


Building Information Modeling (BIM) methods started to be implemented in the Architectural Engineering Construction sector (AEC) in order to make the industry more efficient, innovative and with better quality on the project delivery, reducing costs.  BIM replaces the traditional way of communication, 2D drawings, by using 3D models, where all data is gather in one place and all parties of the project can access to it. However, the transition of work methodology is a slow implementation process due the use of new tools and the need of skilled people, while the industry is not completely prepared yet.  Communication, is essential when using BIM method to achieve good results, avoiding misunderstandings, hence, BIM is a collaborative sharing process.

During different stages of a building project, there are minimum requirements that must be accomplished in the deliveries. When talking about BIM, it is meant to the level of development (LOD) of building model elements and BIM model level. The LOD specifies how accurate the model element is, and what information should contain. This concept is still confusing for most of the departments, and needs a deeper comprehension in the beginning of every project, also when there is a collaboration with international colleagues, who use other country standards. These issues could be accomplished by using effective communication tools.

The objective of this thesis is to build a solution, which will improve BIM communication between project disciplines, helping to understand LOD´s among project stages and cross countries. The solution is built according to the company demands, Arup engineers, focusing on the Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (MEP) department that divided between Copenhagen and London office, and data exchange between them in a case study project.

The method is created through a development process, which is documented in this report. The process consists in a first evaluation of the company´s needs and improvements required in the MEP department. Based on findings, a tool is created to improve information exchange between engineers, speed up workflow and achieve requirements, requested to deliver in every project stage. The tool is called BIMapping.  BIMapping is created as a web-based page, hence, all information is digitized and gathered in one place.

BIMapping, is presented in the main page interface. This main page is a single entry to all knowledge included, and represents a mapping on the standardization levels. The main page is divided into three main sections, which guides the user through the whole project process and gives a deep information of LOD and BIM levels, required at every point of the project for building services.

The solution is reviewed and tested by BIM experts, who contribute with their feedbacks to the development of BIMapping and future studies.

The tool should not be seen as a final solution, but as a startup initiative which was welcomed and appreciated by BIM experts, as a good element to be implemented in BIM project process.


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